PSALMSxZIMELE collection launch event at the Gladstone Hotel, Toronto

This past weekend was the PSALMSxZIMELE jewelry launch event at the Gladstone Hotel, and I was thrilled by the huge turnout of Torontonians! The event consisted of eight rooms (nine if you include the main room) that were jam packed and buzzing with excitement! It warmed my heart to see everyone come out for such a great cause – of course with the bonus of shopping and a lot of jewelry oogling! πŸ˜‰ Sally Han also had a room dedicated to her Shop For Jayu collection, which is a fan favourite. I must note that it was nearly impossible to move in that room, as it was so full of shoppers – there’s nothing like shopping for a cause!

The atmosphere was very gallery like, with different displays in different rooms – each one of them full of inspiration. My favourite room was the one which displayed all PSALMSxZIMELE jewelry in one place (as if you wouldn’t have guessed that was my favourite). Each piece had it’s own uniqueness that made it so tough for me to pick which one I wanted to buy, in support of the Zimele women.

I ended up getting the Enigma necklace (first picture) and am just smitten with it! It’s made of a peacock hued rose quartz that is chiselled by hand – paired with a Canadian vintage finding, a “job’s tears” seed indigenous to KwaZlu-Natal, and a delicate vintage twist chain. It’s so beautiful it makes my heart sing!

It was such an inspiring event! Oh, and if you missed the event, but love the jewelry and want to support an awesome cause, Bluebird shop in Toronto is selling the PSALMSxZIMELE collection. πŸ™‚

* To learn more about the Zimele Community, click here.


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  1. March 13, 2013 / 10:03 am

    Wow, just when you think every idea has been used up. So original!

  2. March 13, 2013 / 10:25 am

    I never get tired of that exact pattern πŸ™‚ xoxo KJ

  3. March 13, 2013 / 12:14 pm

    im so jealous of all the fun events you get to go to……that jewelry is am-ahhh-zing!!!
    brooke @ what2wear

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