Jane Keltner de Valle’s Home Decor

{ From The Coveteur }

I realize that some of these pictures were staged for the photoshoot and not actually 100% what Jane Keltner de Valle’s (the Fashion News Director for Teen Vogue) place is like all the time… but nonetheless isn’t it great decor!? I love that each pair of shoes get’s it’s own shelf space. I love the huge bookshelf and my guess is that it’s full of fantastic fashion books! And those fashion illustrations hanging on the wall as art – definitely on my “must do” list. Also, hanging dresses on the fireplace is such an awesome way of decorating…when you’re not having a fire of course!

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1 Comment

  1. March 2, 2012 / 4:54 pm

    I love these homes that incorporate fashion into their design!
    Great find miss

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